May 18 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.

May 17 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.

May 16 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.

May 13 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.

May 12 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.

May 11 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.

May 10 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.

May 9 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.

May 7 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.

May 6 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (this site) provides you with the exchange rate of today’s U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Hong Kong dollar and other major exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services and real-time information on exchange rate trends.